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Information Security Policy

NHN JAPAN Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company"), as a responsible company that operates on the Internet, is proactively committed to information security and safely protects information assets in order to not only gain the trust of our customers and business partners, but also to improve the quality of our services and ensure the continuity of our business activities.

What we protect

The information assets covered are personal information and specific personal information (personal information that includes a personal number) and information assets entrusted to us by our customers and business partners, as well as all information assets required by our company for the continuation of our business activities. Information assets are regularly surveyed and identified, and evaluated according to the risk standards established by our company.

How to protect your information assets

In order to safely protect information assets, we will determine and implement various necessary measures, such as measures against threats such as external attacks, safe storage and proper disposal of documents and data, appropriate management of information access rights, clear desks, clear screens, and other necessary measures. We will regularly review the determined measures and make improvements to them.

Recognizing the importance of information assets

We will regularly provide education on information security so that each employee fully understands the importance of protecting information assets. In addition, we will work to achieve our company-wide goal regarding information security, which is "zero accidents related to the handling of information."

Information Security Committee

In order to safely protect information assets, we will establish an information security committee consisting of representatives from each business division. The committee will communicate the importance of information security throughout the company and steer the initiative.

Compliance with laws, regulations, etc. regarding information security

We will fulfill our corporate social responsibility by complying with laws, regulations, and various guidelines regarding information security and by always obtaining the latest information.

Information Security Audit

We will conduct information security audits at least once a year and strive for continuous improvement.

Established: April 1, 2013

Last updated: October 1, 2015

Last updated: June 1, 2017


President and CEO

Ahn Hyun-sik

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